Contact Address:
Senegambia Craft Market Association
Bertil Harding Highy
PO Box 3055 Serrekunda
The Gambia, West Africa 
Tel no: +220 9932147 

Tourism Auth. Office T.: 4463678
Senegambia Hotel Tel: 4463676
The bendula at the Senegambia Craft Market was founded
in 1982 and has 64 appointed craft stalls a well as
others nearby.
The items are sourced in The Gambia and made locally.
There are a wide range of art and craft for sale such
as tie dye bags, hats, wooden carved masks, gourds,
silver jewellery, numerous variations of drums, leather
wallets and sandals and chains.
The Association was founded to stand for the economic
interests of its members and to be act as an agent between
the members and other organisations. It also examines
avenues for exporting its members products during the
low season.
One of the codes of conduct is that members should not
hassle tourists and anyone found doing so could be suspended
for 2 weeks. Another code says that Bumsters are not
allowed in the craft market with tourists - they should
wait outside.
Head down the Bertil Harding Highway southbound until
you get to the Senegambia Junction, it is situated jus
after to your right.
Opening Hours:
8am to 7pm during the high season |