Arch 22, Banjul |
Banjul |
The July 22nd Arch is a monument that spans the Independence
Drive which is the road that leads into the Gambia's
capital. A good reason to visit the monument is for
the panoramic views you get of the city from the top
floor terrace. Here you get a better idea of the place
as an island city, encircled by the ocean, the River
Gambia and parts of the Tanbi mangroves. The
other obvious features you see is are many corrugated
rooftops, the large King Fahad Mosque, the National
Assembly building and the Supreme Court.
The classical columns house the lifts and staircases
which lead up to the cafe. The
upper level central bridge houses a small ethnographic
museum. Here you will find on display agricultural implements,
traditional textile robes, and weapons such as bamboo
bows and arrows as well as locally made firearms. There
is also the handwritten text of the President's takeover
speech and the very stool which he sat upon to make
Soon after the opening of the Arch 22 one lift was abandoned
having been made unusable due to subsidence caused by
the soft soil. Cars were also banned for a time from
driving between the columns and have to take the Marina
Parade route instead.
In front of the base of the monument stands a statue
of a soldier holding a baby in the middle of a roundabout.
Behind the monument towards the city are gilded statues
of musicians on rounded, white pedestals. There is also
a restaurant set within gardens for refreshments.
Building Details:
The off-white Arch 22, whose height stands at 114 feet
high, was built in the period 1994-1996 at a cost of
£720,000 (US$1.15 million) by the construction company
Gamsen and inaugurated on July 22nd to coincide with
the anniversary it commemorates - the coup of Yahya
The hollow-arched pediment which is held up by 8 huge,
fluted, Doric columns was designed by the Senegalese
architect Pierre Goudiaby (Kujabi) and Amadou Samba.
Contact Details:
Management Board
Telephone number: 4222115 
Entry Fee:
About D200 per person 
Opening Hours:
8 am to 4 pm |
Banjul |

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