Sing "a" teh or Freaky Joe is a performer
of Gambian hip-hop, Afro Manding, reggae and ragatone.
In February 2008 he won the best selling solo artist
award by Gam-Spirit Music Award organised by Champion
Sounds Promotions at a colourful ceremony held at the
Kairaba Beach Hotel.
Singateh’s Inc is a company established by Singateh
a.k.a Freaky Joe and his Manager Pa Ousman Joof on April
10th 2006 during Singateh’s USA tour in college park,
Atlanta, Ga.
Born as Alhagie Singateh in 1982 in a small riverine
community in the hinterlands of The Gambia, Sing-a-teh
(A.K.A. Freaky Joe) at a very tender age, has portrayed
a resounding talent as both an academician and a musician.
Between spending Friday nights doing acapellas in street
squares to performing at school events, Sing-a-teh was
already on the track to creating a hobby that would
eventually lead to a life-long passion for him.
Sing-a-teh spent his entire
Primary School education and Middle School education
in Bansang, and shortly attended Armitage High School
before transferring to Gambia High School in the Greater
Banjul Area. Sing-a-teh has played numerous roles in
and out of his school career. He has served as a student
prefect and a student deputy head boy during his school
days in Bansang.
Sing a teh's music career started in 2001 when he composed
a song dedicated to Gambian students urging them to
reconcile and put aside there differences for national
interest. Composed during the Gamsaints Reconciliation
week The success from this effort earned him the much
needed respect, and popularity from all sectors of the
Gambian community and afar.
Following the popularity of his first single, he dropped
another one entitled "More Message", a song
that calls for youth empowerment. The reception and
success of these two singles earned him the "Best
Solo Artist of the Year 2001"," West Coast
Radio Artist of the Year 2002", YIDAC PILLAR of
the Year 2002, "FRIENDS OF THE CHILDREN" and
several other titles and awards. From then on, he kept
on excelling to higher heights winning more awards and
soon started his own concerts across the country making
his music and lyrics well known and loved by all and
The Gambian show biz witnessed a dramatic wind of change
since after the discovery of Sing-a-teh's unique and
melodious voice and due to the quality of beats produced
by his mentor, and producer-friend HAKIM of "THE
SUNS OF LIGHT". Sing a teh is the first Gambian
artist whose voice was heard on BBC's famous morning
programme "NETWORK AFRICA”.
He released his first 9 track Audio Album in the local
market of the Gambia in July 2005 and in December of
2005, a 13 track CD released was for the European Market
which was distributed in major European Countries including
Sweden , Germany , England , Norway Finland. This CD
was re-mastered (featuring two new songs) with a promotional
DVD his 2006 U.S. tour, a tour that was facilitated
by the African Artist Association (an agency in the
business of tapping and promoting African Artist the
world over headquartered in Queens-N.Y) served as an
eye opener and an extra step in the right direction
for Sing-a-teh as it gave him the opportunity to forge
new relationships and to horn his skills in the music
Sing-a- teh just finished his 2nd Album with the Sun's
of Light studios in Atlanta and he is back in the Gambia
promoting it. This new album is more of Dance Hall,
reggae and Raggatone; Hip hop compilation and a fusion
of indigenous Senegambian boom "Mbalax", that
is fully fit for any market. He did collaborate with
few American up coming stars. 