• Property Location:
Sanyang, Western Region • Plot Size: 50
x 30 sq. m. each
• Sale Price: £12,000 each
£24,000 combined
(negotiable) Description:
There are 2 tracts of empty land for sale by owner in Sanyang, south
west coast of Gambia. Both plots are adjacent to each other and
the property is fairly near to Paradise Beach at 5 to 10 minutes
The sale price is £12,000 for each plot at 50m x 30m meters (1,500m²)
or £24,000 for the one plot 100m x 30m (3,000m²). The price is negotiable.
The corners of each plot are bricked to mark the plots. There is
a well dug on one of the plots to provide water for building.
The area around the land has started to be developed into so there
is easy access close by.
An exciting opportunity to build a property as the resort develops.

Plot price offers are subject to change without notice. Always confirm
details with the property title holder or estate agents concerned.