Chapman's Restaurant
They serve standard British food such as fish and chips as well
as Gambian dishes. It has an outside eating area as well
as one under the main block... |
Fan Fang
Chinese Bar & Restaurant
Cape Point, Bakau, Banjul area
Menu Overview: Asian cuisine such as spring rolls, shrimp
stir fried rice, noodle soup, golden roast duck, king prawns
in Oyster sauce.... |
Sandplover Restaurant
At the Bakau Craft Market roundabout turn right and go straight down
for about half a kilometer and it is at the end of a wooden bridge.
They serve a fish and meat based menu... |
Italian Connection
...genuine pizzas in the country and tucked away in a quiet
residential district well away from the tourist areas of
Senegambia. If you are looking for a quiet restaurant to eat... |
Ocean Clipper
The restaurant offers fine dining in sophisticated setting
serving a blend of Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. On the top
floor you get some great sea views of Cape Point |
Sunshine Beach Bar
Review:...a broad restaurant menu which consists of International,
Canarian-Spanish or Gambian cuisine. The bar offers free sunbeds... |
Beach Bars
Above you will find each
businesses' background information, contact addresses, telephone
numbers, photos & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western
coast region of The Gambia, West Africa. |