Cutlery Distributors
in Gambia |
C.N.C Best Kitchen Store
Kairaba Avenue, Banjul area
...kitchenware importer and specialist retail shop with sales
of numerous cooking and cleaning related equipment and utensils....stainless
steel cutlery, drinks coolers, buckets and mops, non-stick
frying pans, gas kettles... |
Ideal Home Enterprise
Fajara, Kairaba Avenue, ksmd ...sells a wide range of
imported household furnishings, kitchen products and other
wares...Kitchen cupboards, cutlery & tools Cutlery,
plates, dining tables, knives, forks, spoons, table
cloths. |
Pick & Save
Bertil Harding Highway, Badala area
They also distribute non-food, household products including
cleaning materials, washing up powder, cutlery etc.
These products are imported into West Africa.... |
Kairaba Shopping Center
Banjul, Kairaba Avenue
On the top floor they sell non-food items such as napkins, toys,
furniture, sports equipment, flowers, kids toys, shoes, cutlery,
kitchen utensils,... |
& Carry
Above you will find each company's background information, contact
addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes & main locations in
the Greater Banjul area of the western coast region of, West Africa. |