Human Resource
Management Consultants in Gambia |
Consultancy Gambia Ltd.
KMC, Banjul area
...human resources management, business strategies, feasibility
surveys, recruitment, and event management. |
Management Engineering
Westfield Junction, Serrekunda, Banjul area
FJP delivers through an executive team with proven knowledge
and experience in management, strategy, accounting, assurance,
human resources and computerised information systems... |
International Connect Services Gambia Ltd.
Village Complex, Kololi
ICS Ltd. is made up of a group of self-motivated professionals
providing services in the fields of financial consultation,
staff training and human resources development with the aim
of providing solutions... |
Above you will find each companies' information,
addresses, telephone numbers, some emails
& main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the west
coast region of Gambia in West Africa. |