Gambia Weather |
Weather Forecast
The highest and lowest temperatures in Banjul today
including sunrise & sunset times in GMT, humidity
and pressure. The site gives you a quick idea of how
hot it can get in Gambia. |
This site shows today's weather in Gambia with a temperature
forecast plus a further 5 days which also includes
relative humidity, wind speed, pressure and UV light
ray intensity. |
A 5-day look-ahead as well as current conditions including
country wide temperature highs & lows, wind velocity,
barometer pressure & atmospheric humidity. |
- airfield [AerisWeather]
Forecast for today along with a six day look ahead
which also give you the chances of rain. You can also
view changes in intervals of 3, 6 or 12 hours. It
also shows the African continent with 4 indicators. |
Presents an impressive two week prediction in either
English or Metric measurements as well as an hour-by-hour
changes with an additional RealFeel®
in degrees Celsius. |
The site gives a 1 day to 2 weeks forecast. There
is also a historical monthly average for the current
month which also gives a heat index and you can subscribe
for updates by SMS Text. |
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