Contact Address:
Ferry Service
Liberation Avenue
(Wellington Street) Banjul,
The Gambia
Tel: +220 422 8205
422 4384
422 4107
5710115 (Barra) Ports
Email: info@gamports.com
Charges & Opening Hours:
Check with the Ports Authority
Local Accommodation:
Apollo Hotel
About £25 per night
33-35 Tafsou Ebou Samba Street
(Buckle St.)
Tel: +220 4228184
Banjul Ferry Guest House
Liberation Avenue
(Wellington St.)
About £20 per night
Tel: +220 4222028
Tel: +220 4228 601
Barra Hotel
Tel: +220 7795134 |

The Banjul
Barra Ferry
Service is one of the Gambia capital's vital economic lifelines
and an essential river crossing to Dakar (Senegal) the north bank
wharf town of Barra Point in the
Niumi District.
The journey time from the terminal and across the mouth of the
Gambia River estuary is
about 35 minutes and services start from
Banjul at 7am and operate until 9 in the evening.
Note: Once you have paid and entered the departure terminal there
is nothing in the way of refreshments and the toilet facilities
leave a lot to be desired. So do be prepared. Keep your personal
belonging close to you as there are pickpockets who specifically
target ferry passengers.
you wish to make the trip by pirogue then insist on being provided
with a life jacket as this is a mandatory regulation.
There are 3 boats in operation which are the 'Johe', 'Barra' and
'Kanilai' with departures taking place at intervals of every 30
minutes. The 'Johe' and Barra vessels
have a maximum passenger capacity of 400 people and 25 vehicles
while the Kanilai has 1,200.
There are a further 8 other ferry crossing points up-river. They
include (Georgetown) Janjangbureh,
Bansang, Barajally, Yellintenda to Bambatenda, Basse,
Sankully Kunda, Fatoto and Jarreng.
While on Board:
November, December & January it's possible to do a little
dolphin spotting as schools of them swim on the bow waves of boats.
Hawkers ply there trade on trays selling cigarettes, boiled eggs,
soft drinks, watches and other items. As you cross you will notice
that you are always within site of either shore.
When you arrive at the other side you will see a simple terminal
with a market nearby. Take this opportunity to buy some fruit
and stock up on bottled water.
Should you wish to make a call when you have docked there is the
local Telecentre (Tel: 571 0500).
From there you can then take a taxi northwards
(cost about D50) to the border post of Amdallai (also
spelt Amdalai, Amdalaye) and onwards to Karang & Dakar.
Or north wards to Jinack Island.
It is possible to use your mobile phone right up to the border
post at Amdalai.
In 2001, the responsibility for operating the ferries department
was transferred from the Gambia Public Transport
Corporation (GPTC) to the Ports
On the 24th July 2006 the president directed that a new passenger
terminal building be built at a cost of about 10 million Dalasis.
Ferry Charges:
Check with the Ports Authority  |