Contact Address:
- Gambia 
Banjul area HQ, UN House
5 Kofi Annan Street
Cape Point, Bakau
PO Box 553 Banjul
The Gambia, West Africa 
Tel no: 4497954 / 4494760 4226223
/ 4497936 4494
820 (Res. coordinator)
Fax: 4494 758 

The United Nations Development Programme
mission in Gambia was set up in 1975 as a partner in
development with the Government in a number of projects
spread out among many area, and has moulded its services
in response to the nation's development hurdles, and
attainment of the MDGs.
UNDPs support has contributed to strengthening sector
planning capacity and the formulation of key policies,
covering areas such as employment, enterprise development,
youth capacity development and trade among others and
hence supported government in the preparation of its
National Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP II)
Their programme focuses on five Priority Practice areas
which are: Democratic governance Energy
and environmental issues Crisis prevention and
recovery Poverty reduction HIV awareness
Empowerment of women
One key area in which the UN Development System is collaborating
with The Gambia Government and its development partners
is poverty alleviation. The Gambia's strategy for Poverty
Alleviation (SPA) was formulated with the support of
UNDP in close collaboration with other UN system agencies
and development partners and presented to a Round Table
Conference in Geneva in April 1994. UNDP continues to
play its catalytic role through upstream policy level
consultations with the Government and other development
partners, to provide direct assistance in the identification
of priority development objectives, formulation of required
programmes, and utilisation of the Round Table process
to mobilise resources for development activities in
The Gambia.
The process of formulating a Poverty Alleviation Strategy
was started in 1991 with the assistance of the UNDP.
Sources of funds for UNDP in Gambia
TRAC 1and 2
Trust Funds
Thematic Trust Funds
Other Resources |