Contact Address:
United Nations   
Banjul HQ Office, UN House
5 Kofi Annan Street
Cape Point, P.O. Box 553, Banjul
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +220 4494760
Fax: +220 4494758
Telex: 223 UNDP GV
Email: registry.gm@undp.org

The UN
agencies with resident missions in Gambia are following
UN organisations: FAO, UNDP,
UNICEF, WFP, UNFPA and the WHO. Two other related institutions
that operate under the ambit of the UNDP are the UNCDF
and UNV. UNHCR also maintain a small staff here to facilitate
the authentication of refugees.
The UN system in The
Gambia is committed to promoting, supporting and participating
in activities aimed at empowering the Gambians to develop
their physical, human, natural and social capital for
the achievement of sustainable human development.

(In line with the Government’s development priorities,
as spelled out in the Vision 2020 document, we endeavour
to assist the Gambia adapt to regional and global trends
and developments such as globalisation, regional integration
and liberalisation with a view to integrating the Gambian
economy into the global market in such a way that the
benefits of globalisation, liberalisation and regional
integration are optimised while simultaneously mitigating
their negative impact on the most vulnerable segments
of the society, particularly women and children. In
this respect, we will assist the Government in instituting
“social safety nets”, formulate “social policies in
globalisation” and forge strategic alliances for facilitating
“development with a human face”. ) - source UN.

Historical Background:
The Gambia joined the United Nations in 21 September,
1965 along with Maldives and Singapore that same year.
The country was elected into the membership of the Security
Council for the first time as a non-permanent member
in 1998 through to 1999.
Data Issues:
The lack of accurate and timely data is a major constraint
to improved macro-economic and financial management.
In this respect, the UN system together with other development
partners, particularly the Bretton Woods institutions,
are assisting the government to build capacities in
data gathering and analysis, within the context of the
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), including providing
assistance to the Central Statistics Department in the
areas of national accounts and the consumer price index
as well as undertaking Public Expenditure Reviews in
some of the key Departments Of State (Education, Health,
Public Works, Local Government, etc.). Other developments
on the economic plane include the introduction of the
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, the United Nations
Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), and the eligibility
of the Gambia under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
(HIPC) Initiative.
Mission Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday 0800 – 1700
Friday 0800 – 1400
The UN mission
is the United Nations' official diplomatic corps' permanent
mission representative body in Gambia. |