The Bama Kuno (also spelt Bamakuno) is located 25km
to the south east of Brikama
town in the Western Region (Kombo East District) of
The Gambia.
It is a densely wooded area and lies next to Kahlenge
Forest and is just over 930 hectares. It was designated
a park on January 1st 1954.

Avi Fauna:
Among the bird species to be found are the African Green
Pigeon, Yellow-bellied Hyliotas, Brown-backed Woodpecker,
blood chest beard bird, dwarf weber, Siffling Cisticolas,
brown back woodpecker, Bearded Barbet, Bronze-tailed
Glossy Starlings, Black-crowned Tchagra, African Golden
Oriole, Black-winged Red Bishop and Red-winged Warblers.

[Geographical coordinates: 13° 11' 48 N, 16° 25' 2 W.] |