Bijol Islands form part of the Tanji
River Karinti Bird Reserve, & has an
area of 6 square km which is managed by the Department
of Parks & Wildlife Management of the Gambia.
It lies 1.5km from the Bald Cape promontory's coast.
This marine habitat has two offshore islands that provide
home to many migratory bird species that find a haven
here, away from human disturbance & feed on the
areas with abundant fish species. There are two Islands,
one large & one small, connected at low tide by
a sand split. Both Islands are low lying with maximum
elevation of about 2m above sea level. The main Island
is covered with low growing saline tolerant vegetation,
such as beach morning glory, Baobab Trees, Casuarinas,
Prickly sesban & Sicklepod. 

The upwelling current enriches the Islands with abundant
food for marine mammal and seabirds. Bird species found
on Bijol Islands are Royal Terns, Long Tailed
Cormorants, Whimbrels, Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Grey
Headed Gulls, Kelp Gulls, Reef Herons, Little
Terns, Bar-tailed Godwits, Grey Plovers, Slender-billed
Gulls, Kentish Plovers, Audouins Gulls, Caspian
Terns, Redshanks, Senegal Coucals, Black Tailed Godwits,
Pomarine Skua, Yellow Wagtails, small waders, pelicans,
osprey and Lanner Falcon.
The islands also provides a nesting site for green turtles
and shelter for various sea mammals. Unauthorised
access to the isles is prohibited, and restricted to
visits by small groups of researches only; and it is
considered as an Important Bird Area (IBA).
Contact Address Details: Dept.
of Parks &
Wildlife Management
C/o Ministry of Forestry & the Environment
GIPFZA House, Kairaba Avenue
Abuko Nature Reserve, HQ
Tel no: +220 3917559
9817559 Email:
[Geographical coordinates 13° 23' 07" N, 16°
49' 01" W / Kombo South, Western Region] |