...naturally feasible within the area of the Gambia River's
estuarine geography as well as the fresh water flood plains
of the Central River Region for species such as catfish and
Tilapia.... |
Catfish Stew
...Blend onions and chopped tomatoes. Fry blended onion mixture
with tomato paste for 5 minutes... |
Fishing Guide
...this truly African setting is home to a number of noted
fighting fresh water fish and a host of localised species which
include: Tiger fish, Vundu Catfish,... |
Sitanunku Lodge
...great for angling offshore for Atlantic Tarpon & numerous
other species such as red snappers, captain fish, pompano,
...certain fish species are threatened as a result of unsound
human exploitation strategies, such species include the lobster
(palinurus spp shark, (catfish arius
heudeloti)... |