Postgraduate Courses
in Gambia |
1st Line
Consulting Gambia Ltd.
Fajara, Kairaba Avenue, Banjul area, Ksmd
First Line Consulting
offers professional college courses from
diplomas to postgraduate courses from trusted UK institutions.
They have centers opening in a number of West African countries. |
Miranda Nehme Group
Fajara M Section,
Banjul area
......International Education Consultant and student placement
service who also offer INTO Scholarships........• Postgraduate
• Undergraduate Courses (science & business) A few of
their affiliate universities offer partial scholarships to
overseas students from West Africa. |
Above you will find each educational
institutions' information, contact addresses, telephone numbers,
emails, some faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul
area of the western coast region in West Africa. |