Property Structural Surveyors
in Gambia |
Horizon Technical Services
Co. Ltd.
Kairaba Avenue,
Banjul area architectural and an engineering firm providing technical
drawings and solutions to engineering challenges for house
owners and organisations.... Among their services are structural
surveys, floor plans,... |
Mablet Consultancy
A fully qualified and chartered certified structural engineer
and civil works consultancy firm. |
Associates Gambia Co. Ltd.
61 Kairaba Avenue, Fajara, Banjul area
The structural survey would look for signs of movement, cracks
and deterioration. The building will be checked, as far as
possible, for signs of rising damp, wood rot, termite infestations..... |

Above you will find each house engineering companies' basic
information, contact addresses, telephone numbers, emails,
faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the
western coast region in West Africa. |