Association of Baptists For World Evangelism
Kotu South, Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd Banjul area .....Harrisburg
Pennsylvania.....a Christian mission non-governmental
organisation whose activities includes healthcare, adult
literacy and other informal education, community development and
the ESL Nursery School. |
Bethel World Outreach Ministries
Silver Spring, MD &
Kotu Silo, Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
...Their primary aim is to spread in the nation of Gambia
vibrant churches, hospitals and schools as the need arises. ... |
Catholic Relief
Baltimore, Maryland &
40 Atlantic Road, Fajara
...It represents the overseas development and humanitarian
relief branch of the United States Catholic Conference (USCC)
and finances schemes in over 70 countries.... |

Richmond Virginia &
Kanifing North
CF is a non-governmental organisation engaged in child welfare,
agricultural crops production, food aid distribution, school
building, healthcare, rural business enterprises, water well
supplies and filtration... |
Gambia Good Seed
Kiang East,
Massembeh Village
The Good Seed Mission was registered in Banjul in 1985 by
Tom Cosier and his wife Lore fro the USA. It is a non-governmental
organisation based in Massembe Village. |
Gospel Recordings
Latrikunda Sabiji, Ksmd
...The tapes and CDs are translated into various languages
which are then distributed to people who cannot read or write
English in the various geographic regions. |
International Relief & Development
Arlington, Virginia & Dan Fodio Street, Bakau New Town
...Its areas of intervention are in building sustainable,
self-sufficiency through agricultural productivity, forestry
and the environment.... |
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Above you will find background
information details on the list of various civil society organizations
(CSOs) from the USA, their contact addresses, telephone numbers,
some emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul
area of the west coast region & up river districts areas,
Kombo District of The Gambia, West Africa. |