Insurance Association of Gambia
10C Nelson Mandela Street, Banjul
The IAG is a grouping of the major insurance companies with
an executive committee and secretariat. |
Beekeepers Association Gambia
NBAG is a not-profit representing beeswax cream & honey
producers. It buys products from apiarists according to international
fair trade price guidelines. |
National Women
Farmers Association
98 Kairaba Avenue, Fajara M Section, Banjul area
NAWFA, with a membership of around 48,000, covers over 1,000
villages in Gambia. It aims to remove women from subsistence
farming to a cash crop existence. |
Professional Beekeepers
Banjul area, Lamin Village
The PBA focuses on apiarists production & processing of
honey from local villages for sale in the local market &
overseas. |
Sandika Petty Traders Association
Serrekunda Market, Juffure Street
The SPTA encompasses sellers of fruits, vegetables, small
hardware goods items such as fabrics, ornaments, kitchenware. |
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