Horticultural Enterprises
Old Jeshwang, Banjul area
The firm has been in the agricultural exporting business for
over 18 years now....out-of-season tropical fruits and crop
vegetables which includes mangos ,... |
Farms Gambia Ltd.
...founded in 1985 as a private limited company with large
agricultural plantations at Nema Kunku & Toubakuta....The
company exports 1,500 tonnes of vegetables and around 700
tonnes of mangoes yearly. Other crops... |
24 Imam Lamin Bah Street, Banjul capital
GFAP are exporters of freshly frozen fish products, shrimps
and tropical vegetables and fruits such as papaya, mangoes
and guava.... |
Above you will find mangoe growers' information, contact addresses,
telephone numbers, some emails, faxes
& main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western
coast region in West Africa. |