Contact Address Details:
Banjul capital HQ
3-4 ECOWAS Avenue
P.M.B. 10 Banjul
The Gambia
West Africa
Tel no: +220 4228 477
4498 034 (51 Garba Jahumpa Road,
4498 035
4228 634
Email: registry.gm@undp.org
The Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) was
launched by the Food & Agriculture Organization
in 1994. Focusing on low-income food-deficit countries,
the SPFS was endorsed in Rome in November 1996.
The programme aims at supporting The Gambia and other
countries in their efforts to:
Improve their nation's national food security through
rapid increases in productivity and food production
on an economically and environmentally sustainable
Reduce year-to-year variability in agricultural
Improve Gambian peoples access to food;
The SPFS is a multidisciplinary programme with a strong
emphasis on meeting peoples needs directly by raising
farmer's net income, generating rural employment,
increasing social equity and promoting gender sensitivity.
Implementation of SPFS takes place in two stages,
referred to as the Pilot phase and the Expansion phase.
The Government of The Gambia has responded positively
to the FAO initiative of SPFS and tripartite agreement
has been signed between the Government of The Gambia,
The Government of Bangladesh and FAO. The programme
is expected to be funded by the Islamic Development
Bank, possibly with the cofinancing from the African
Development Bank and the Common Wealth Secretariat.
Nine experts and technicians from Bangladesh have
arrived to the Gambia to implement the first phase
of the Programme together with the Gambian Government
and rural communities. The first phase consist of
four components:
Small-scale water harvesting, irrigation and drainage
systems using rainfall, water runoff, small streams,
ground water etc.; and agricultural land development
to secure production against the vagaries of the climate.
Intensification of sustainable plant production
systems with the transfer of adequate technologies
accessible to all and the effective use of high-yielding
varieties, integrated plant nutrition systems, integrated
pest management and appropriate post-harvest methods.
Diversification of production including aquaculture
and small animal (poultry, sheep, goats etc.) production.
Analysis of constraints to food security; special
attention will be given to the analysis of socio-economic
constraints, by gender and by specific groups, to
the expansion of the first phase in particular access
to technology, land, input, storage, marketing, processing
and credit facilities.
It was reported on the 4th September 2003 Bangladesh
will send over 30 field technicians and experts to
the Gambia to work with local experts, as part of
a quadripartite agreement signed between the two countries,
funded by the Islamic Development Bank and supported
by FAO.  |
The objectives of the Food and Agriculture Organization assistance
programmes in Gambia are to assist the Government to maximise
crop & domestic food production & benefits to farmers,
strengthen the livestock industry, integrate the agriculture
& livestock sub-sectors, thereby increasing food self-sufficiency,
dietary protein & improving nutrition & the quality
of the rural population.
Furthermore the FAO aims to diversify the agricultural production
base, upgrade horticultural production systems, handling,
marketing and storage of horticultural crops, developing and
effectively operating rural finance systems in collaboration
with the Central Bank; support poverty alleviation programmes;
promote the management of natural resources for sustainable
development and review fisheries development to maximise the
contribution of industrial fisheries to the national economy.
The Gambia benefits from the following FAO Regional Projects:
International Cooperation with the Nansen Programme: Fisheries
Management and Marine Environment;
Evaluation of Production, Multiplication and Distribution
Systems of Improved Groundnut Germplasm in West and Central
Africa; Development
of Communication Techniques for Peoples Participation;
Forestry Outlook Study
for Africa; Sustainable
Fisheries Livelihoods Programme;
Implementing the International Code of Conduct on the
Distribution and Use of Pesticides in Sahel Countries;
Advisory Services for Fisheries
Monitoring, Control and Surveillance in West Africa;
Sustainable Forest Management
in Africa;
In July 2008 the FAO launched its emergency rice
programme in West Africa.
In September 2008, the Government of The Gambia and the Food
and Agricultural Organization (FAO) signed the FAO-funded
Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) Support Project for
Sustainable Aquaculture Systems.
