In Gambia polygamy is a widely accepted (if not a widely debated)
practice. Islamic tradition allows a man to marry up to four wives.
They are usually referred to as co-wives. The highest status wife
is the first wife.
a man’s first wife will be a woman about his same age, but other
wives who are married over the years tend to be much younger and
in some cases wives can be over half their age. Partly due to
the fact that older men marry the available younger women, men
tend to marry at an older average age (29) than women, who marry
at an average age of 19. Polygamy is losing popularity among the
younger generation of men who see first-hand the economic ramifications
of supporting a large family on a limited income. Many of this
current Gambian generation prefers to have just one wife.
However, polygamy is only allowed by Islam if he can support the
extra partner otherwise it is forbidden. This rule has not stopped
many Gambians of the older generation marrying more than one wife
knowing full well they will run into difficulties. The reason
for this is because multiple marriages are seen as a status symbol
in Gambia. 