the 25th March 2008 the Secretary of State for Forestry &
Environment gazetted / declared Bolong Fenyo as the Gambia's first
Community Wildlife Reserve. The site is located in the Village
of Gunjur, Kombo South, along 2 kilometres
of the Atlantic Coastline. Its area's geographical coordinates
are 16°47’ E - 16° 47’ E - 13°21’N -13°23’N and covers a total
area of 345 hectares. Its distance from Banjul
is 35 km.
This area of
Gunjur incorporates mangroves, dry woodlands
and coastal dune scrub. The area
is very fragile and provides critical roosting ground for both
residential and migratory species of birds.
It is also a breeding ground for green turtles. Such ecosystems
include marine, coastal dune, fresh water mash, mangrove,
woodland/savanna and thicket. The presence of mangroves makes
it an ecologically important locations for spawning and chick
However, human activity in the area is damaging the delicate ecosystem.
Because of the threat the Gunjur
Environmental Protection and Development Group, the local
the Department of Parks
and Wildlife and the World Bank
came together for the project which is called the Integrated Coastal
and Marine Biodiversity Management Project.
The importance of the area is because of the diversity of bird
species found their which for example is a roosting and feeding
area for sea gulls, terns, and other avian species. Because its
shoreline location is on the western most tip of Africa means
that it is one of the stop-overs on the flight
for many Palearctic migrants species. Among these are Caspian
terns, black winged stilt, black backed gull. In 2006, 76 species
of birds (marine and woodland), were recorded from Bolong Fenyo.
So far 11 reptilian species and 16 mammal species have been recorded.
Past the shoreline there are 3 crab species, bottle nose dolphins
and Humpback bottle nose dolphins, mudskippers and jellyfish.
The green turtle which is a threatened species also comes to lay
its eggs on the beach.
the reptiles are: black forest cobra, spitting cobra, geckoes,
Nile monitor, chameleon and the African python.
Among the mammals are: Sun squirrel, Epaulet fruit bats, hare,
Gambian mongoose, the porcupine and others.
Typical plants in the woodland and scrub are Rhun palm, African
locust bean, baobab, Acacia and mango trees.


Abuko Nature Reserve
Ballabu Conservation
Bama Kuno Forest
Bao Bolong Wetland
Forest Park
Bolong Fenyo
Kiang West
Kunkilling Forest Park
Makasutu Cultural Forest
Niumi National Park
Pirang Forest
River Gambia Park
Tanbi Wetlands
Tanji Bird Reserve
Tumani Tenda
